Friday, May 17, 2013

7 Weird AirPlane Design

The VZ-9AV Avrocar

This is the evidence of humans made ​​flying saucer was, at least almost succeeded. Yes, The Avrocar project was developed in the 1950s by a Canadian. The goal is to help the United States entering the phase of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Avrocar designer is Jack Frost, who conduct the flight test from November 1959 and finally retired in 1961.

The Pregnant Guppy 

Developed by Aero Spacelines as cargo aircraft which aims to bring Apollo component to the moon. This airplane design are similar to pregnant guppy fish that have made them look ridiculous.

The Pregnant Guppy is actually a composite of other aircraft parts, such as the Pan Amtua and Boeing 377. Had operated from 1963 to 1979.


AD-1, or the Ames-Dryden-1, developed by NASA aircraft development program in 1979. Which makes this strange plane is tilted wings.

This wing could actually shifted from 0 degrees to 60 degrees while flying up and looks tilt . Its functions to increase the speed of the aircraft. Had the time tested trial by 79 times, but no further explanation why this aircraft is not used back then.

The Flying Pancake

The Vought V-173, also known as the Flying Pancake, is an experimental test aircraft built during World War II. Had a chance to test fly since November 1942 until retired five years later.

Weird-shaped wings - called flying pancake - makes it possible to take off and land without a runway length.

The Northrop Tacit Blue

This is the first aircraft designed with a form of square corner that is not aerodynamic. Developed in the early 1980s and started flying in 1982. Only operates for 250 hours of flight before finally retiring in 1985.

The Kalinin K-7

K-7 is a project of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Designed by Kalinin, because that aircraft is named by  him. The story of this aircraft is bleak. The only aircraft that made ​​it did not allow for a smooth flight, even at the last test flight killing 14 people on board including the testers on the runway. The result, Kalinin was executed and declared by Stalin as an enemy of the state.

The Spruce Goose

The Spruce Goose is arguably the most famous aircraft in history, designed by Howard Hughes. aircraft name was actually Hughes H-4 Hercules.

The aircraft is made ​​from wood because of wartime restrictions, designed as heavy transport aircraft that transport personnel and logistics to bring the war to the British during World War II. After all, the plan was not the case because the new The Spruce Goose flown one time in the year 1947. That is, the war is past.

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