Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blackberry Messenger will be available on iPhone and Android Phone for Free

Waterloo - Blackberry decided to give Blackberry Messenger application (BBM) to iOS-based devices from Apple and Android from Google began this summer. In a press release delivered on Tuesday (14/5), said that the Blackberry BBM features will be available on applying iPhone iOS 6 and Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).

With the inclusion of BBM feature on iPhone and Android phones, then all the smartphone users can communicate freely use all of the features and services that are available in the BBM.

"The time is right for the BBM to be a multiplatform mobile services. We are excited to offer BBM to iPhone and Android users to join the BBM community," wrote the Blackberry in the press release.

BBM now has about 60 million active users each month. The average user to use BBM 90 minutes each day.

If Apple and Google receive, write Blackberry, then BbBM application will be available for free in the App Store and Google Play Store.

BBM Feature in Android & iOS : "The rollout will first include just chat, but soon to follow will be BBM Voice, BBM Video and even BBM Channels. Users on iOS and Android will get the same features of BBM that BlackBerry users already have so it should be pretty exciting. Best of all? It will still be totally free."

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